1st Edition

Anglo-Saxon England

By Lloyd Laing Copyright 1979

    Anglo-Saxon England (1979) takes the history and archaeology of Britain from the fifth century AD through to 1066, covering perhaps the most enigmatic period in British history, when post-Roman, native British and Continental influences amalgamated, in a manner often difficult to unravel. Drawing upon archaeology, history, literature, place-names and the results of the latest scientific methods, the authors show how the Anglo-Saxons built up a flourishing civilization, the foundation of English life, and have bequeathed their legacy to the English-speaking people of the New World.

    1. Introduction  2. Pagan Saxon England c. AD 400–650  3. Christian England c. AD 600–800  4. The Late Saxons c. AD 800–1066  5. Epilogue – The Normans and After


    Lloyd and Jennifer Laing